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Online courses are transforming higher education, creating new opportunities for the best and huge problems for the rest
Dec 22nd 2012 | CHICAGO, LONDON AND NEW YORK| from the print edition
TOP-QUALITY teaching, stringent admissions criteria and impressive qualifications allow the world’s best universities to charge mega-fees: over $50,000 for a year of undergraduate study at Harvard. Less exalted providers have boomed too, with a similar model that sells seminars, lectures, exams and a “salad days” social life in a single bundle. Now online provision is transforming higher education, giving the best universities a chance to widen their catch, opening new opportunities for the agile, and threatening doom for the laggard and mediocre.
The roots are decades old. Britain’s Open University started teaching via radio and television in 1971; the for-profit University of Phoenix has been teaching online since 1989; MIT and others have been posting lectures on the internet for a decade. But the change in 2012 has been electrifying. Two start-ups, both spawned by Stanford University, are recruiting students at an astonishing rate for “massive open online courses” or MOOCs. In January Sebastian Thrun, a computer-science professor there, announced the launch of Udacity. It started to offer courses the next month—a nanosecond by the standards of old-style university decision making. He also gave up his Stanford tenure, saying that Udacity had “completely changed my perspective”. In October Udacity raised $15m from investors. It has 475,000 users.
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In April two of Mr Thrun’s ex-colleagues, Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller, launched a rival, Coursera, with $16m in venture capital. At first it offered online courses from four universities. By August it had signed up 1m students, rising to over 2m now. Its most successful class, “How to reason and argue”, attracted over 180,000 students. Harvard and MIT announced they would each put up $30m to launch edX, a non-profit venture offering courses from Ivy League universities. Other schools have joined too.
在四月份特龙先生的两个交换学生,Andrew Ng 和Daphne Koller用16000000美元的风险资本开展了一个竞争。起初它为四个大学开展网络课程。到了八月份它已经由开始的1000000位学生增加到现在的2000000位学生。它最成功的课程是“怎样说明原因和怎样辩论”吸引了18000位学生。哈佛大学和麻省理工大学宣布他们将投资30000000美元开设edx课程,这个课程来自于常春藤联盟大学提供的非盈利性的课程。其他的学校也加入进来了。
Republic of Letters
The trend stretches far beyond America. Eight among Coursera’s 33 partners are foreign, including the universities of Edinburgh, Toronto and Melbourne. On December 14th a of British providers, led by the Open University and including Bristol, St Andrews and Warwick, said Futurelearn, a new platform for free courses, would soon compete with the American newcomers.
Individual academics have MOOCs too. Tyler Cowen of George Mason University has launched Marginal Revolution University, named after his own popular blog, to provide free economics education.
One spur is economic and political pressure to improve productivity in higher education. The cost per student in America has risen at almost five times the rate of inflation since 1983. For universities beset by heavy debts, smaller taxpayer subsidies and a cyclical decline in enrolment, online courses mean better tuition, higher graduation rates and lower-cost degrees. New technology also gives the innovative a chance to shine against their rivals.
MOOCs are more than good university lectures available online. The real innovation comes from integrating academics talking with interactive coursework, such as automated tests, quizzes and even games. Real-life lectures have no pause, rewind (or fast-forward) buttons; MOOCs let students learn at their own pace, typically with short, engaging videos, modelled on the hugely successful online lecturettes pioneered by TED, a non-profit organiser of upmarket mindfests.
The cost of the courses can be spread over huge numbers of students. A Udacity course on machine learning, taught by Peter Norvig, Google’s director of research, attracted 160,000 students. Ms Koller of Coursera muses that a single virtual classroom may one day seat 1.5m. Thousands of minds mingle in moderated discussion forums, where learners in Peru, Finland or Japan can speedily reply to a struggling student’s question, highlight points that are unclear, and even grade each others’ work.
MOOCs enrich education for rich-world students, especially the cash-strapped, and those dissatisfied with what their own colleges are offering. But for others, especially in poor countries, online education opens the door to yearned-for opportunities. One famous MOOC graduate is Khadijah Niazi, an 11-year-old girl in Lahore who completed Udacity’s Physics 100 class. Of the 155,000 people from five countries who registered for MIT’s prototype Circuits and Electronics course, only 45% were aged between 18 and 25. Most traffic came from five countries: America, India, Britain, Colombia and Spain. Some 7,200 students passed the course.
Spires not wires
Some of Europe’s best schools are determinedly unruffled. Oxford says that MOOCs “will not prompt it to change anything”, adding that it “does not see them as revolutionary in anything other than scale”. Cambridge even says it is “nonsense” to see MOOCs as a rival; it is “not in the business of online education”.
Such universities are likely to continue to attract the best (and richest) applicants who want personal tuition and the whiff of research in the air. They have other benefits too, including sublime architecture, better marriage partners and a huge career boost. For these places, MOOCs are chiefly a marketing opportunity: once customers taste the lectures, they may pay for the rest of the bundle.
But elsewhere change is likely to be more disruptive. Clayton Christensen, a Harvard Business School professor and author of “The Innovative University”, predicts “wholesale bankruptcies” over the next decade among standard universities.
One potential casualty is the cross-subsidy between teaching and research. MOOCs will make it far harder to overcharge students, especially undergraduates, in order to subsidise research that nobody else will pay for. Some universities will have to specialise to survive—perhaps dropping indifferent lecturing or teaching to concentrate on something else, such as brilliantly set and marked examinations. Online platforms will also allow clusters of universities to pool resources, such as providing first-year undergraduate lecture courses, suggests William Lawton, director of the Observatory on Borderless Higher Education, a think-tank in London.
一个潜在的伤害是教学和研究的交叉补贴。 MOOCs将会使它变得更加艰难,即为了给研究补贴而过度的向学生收费,特别是本科生,将不会有人支付。一些大学将不得不专门想办法生存——减少冷门的课程或者专注于其他方面,例如杰出的设置和标记检查。网络平台也允许大学向其中添加资源,例如提供第一年本科生的演讲课程,正如伦敦无国界高等教育的研究者智囊团的主任威廉·劳顿所建议的那样。
To compete head-on with established providers, MOOCs must not just teach but also provide credible qualifications. The vast majority of Coursera, Udacity and edX offerings do not provide a degree. This may be one reason for MOOCs’ high drop-out rates: even the most ardent knowledge-lover needs qualifications. Another worry is that online tests are open to cheating and plagiarism. Even soundly run mechanical tests are no substitute for the fuller picture provided by human examiners. Peer grading (students’ assessments of their fellows), even if honest, may be flawed.
为了同现存的提供者竞争行业领袖,MOOCs不仅提供教学同时还提供名誉证书。绝大部分的Coursera, Udacity 和 edX不能提供学位。这可能是MOOCs保持高增长率的原因:即使是最狂热的知识爱好者也需要一个证书。另一个担心是在线测试同时也对抄袭者和剽窃者开放。即使是健全的机械测试也不能完全替代由人类检测者所提供的完整图片。同年级的学生(学生之间所做的评估)即使是诚实的,也可能有错误。
One option is non-academic testing. Google already has links with Udacity. A certificate of programming proficiency from a firm like that might impress some employers more than an old-style degree.
Elsewhere, pickings so far are slim. The American Council on Education is reviewing a handful of Coursera’s classes for credit equivalency; once approved, universities can choose to grant credit for them (or not). Freiburg University in Germany gives credit for a Udacity course. North Virginia Community College has started awarding credits for introductory college courses provided for around $100 by Straighter Line, a for-profit online-education firm. Students can transfer these to George Mason University.
Even if MOOCs can coin sound academic currency, they must also make real money. Though marginal costs are low, designing enticing online material is costly. Non-profit ventures such as edX want to break even. Others have investors to satisfy. The first way of generating revenue is a “freemium” model, in which the course is free but the graduation certificate is paid-for. Udacity, for example, charges $89 for an exam invigilated by Pearson VUE, an electronic-testing firm; its parent company is a part-owner of this newspaper.
A second model is to charge potential employers a fee for spotting suitable recruits among the students. Coursera charges for referrals to its best students. A third option is to license online courses to universities to help them improve their offerings to students. Ms Koller foresees a blended approach, in which universities mix MOOCs and in-house provision to expand the range of degrees they offer.
第二种模型是在学生之间寻找新成员,并向潜在的顾客收取小费。Coursera 将费用奖励给最好的学生。第三种选择是为大学提供网络课程通行证,以此来帮助改善他们为学生提供的服务。科勒预见到了混合的方式,这种方式是高校将MOOCs和扩大他们所提供的学位范围加以混合。
Mr Christensen predicts that most universities below the upper tier will have to integrate a “second, virtual university” into the standard one. Good online classes would reduce the need for costly campus facilities and free teachers’ time for individual tutoring. Knewton, a for-profit provider of personalised online education, calls that idea the “flipped classroom”.
Coursera and edX both want to work with standard providers. Udacity, as its name suggests, is more daring. Mr Thrun is hiring more big names from outside academia, to join Google’s Mr Norvig. Mr Thrun predicts that in 50 years there will be only ten universities left in the world.
Coursera 和edX 都想同标准的供应商合作。正如他的名字,Udacity更是大胆。杜伦先生雇佣学术界知名的人士加入谷歌。杜伦先生预测50年之后时间上将只剩10所大学。
If not quite on that scale, MOOCs clearly mean upheaval for the cosseted and incompetent. But for those who most want it, education will be transformed.
如果没有如此大的规模,MOOCs 明确指出由宠爱和无能力者所引起的动乱。但是如果谁想拥有它,教育将会促使他进行转变。